Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Secret Garden at 6am on the week end...

You know what tiba-tiba saat ini gw teringat tempat ini... its my secret Garden...

dan saat ini yang gw cuman pengen berada disini...

Just lying down above the green grass and viewing the top of skyscraper under the big vanilla sky...

Ada cinta didalam awan, ada rindu yg hilang seiring dengan hembusan angin...

The place where you can found your muse or even when you lost it...
The place when time regret...'coz no body care...
The place when you ask all of the question in life...what if? ...why?

"Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get" Tom Hanks said in Forest Gump movie
that's right...if you have a box of variety unlabelled chocolates, you wouldn't know what you're getting, is the milk one, which is my favorite, or the cocoa, which isn't really my taste...
is just like life...
What if you choose wine taste?...its forbidden rite? (in Islam)...but you love it :( then you still taste it anyway...well the taste will stay for the rest of your life...and you can't undo it...
so What if you choose blueberry taste? vanilla? almonds? ...what will happen?
the point is your life path will be just like your choices of chocolate, is the sweet one or the bitter one?.... 

loh kok jd ngomongin life sih? hehehe... back to the place...

The place where you can listen your favorite love songs such...

or even 'Galau' Songs such...

The place that can makes you remember the things you want to forget...
The place that can makes you imagine the things you must forget...
Sambil tiduran mandang langit sampe mata perih dan berair karena silau or 'coz life is bitter... dunno :p ...better use sun glasses... a big one :D

Ah sebetulnya tempatnya biasa aja siy, gw aja yang nemuin tempat ini in my 2007 Spore Trip, well ketika semua turis Indonesia berkumpul di Orchard Road, gw bosen donk...

Saat itu adalah perjalanan dinas ke Singapore, i stay in Marriot Hotel, Jam 6 pagi gw menyelinap keluar hotel, gayanya mau berpetualang with my Canon DSLR, tapi berhubung cewe sendirian dan nenteng kamera + lensa 17-40mm pinjeman so gw nggak berani jauh2 juga... naik lah MRT...sepiii banget coz its Saturday belum memilih di mana gw akan berhenti, then i see Raffles Place...hmm bolee jauh2 amat pula....keluar lah dari MRT dan celingak celinguk di stasiun Raffles Place ...hihihi bahasanya stasiun udah kaya gambir aja....tapi kebalikannya stasiun ini sepiiii bangeeettt alias ga ada orang samsek...secara wiken & pagi2...

dan pas keluar dari stasiun itu...jengjeng...

Gw liat view yang udah lama pengen banget gw potret...actually i've seen this view in somebody's photos, but i never ask where he took it...seneng banget tiba2 nemuin tempat ini...sepi pula ga ada orang...langsung guling2an di rumput sambil diliatin satpam...well ga guling2an juga siy hehehe...tiduran aja :D

Sayangnya tempatnya jauh dan cuman bisa dinikmatin pas wiken jam 6 pagi, coz nggak ada yang ngantor pada hari dan jam segitu...kalo weekday tiduran disitu sambil bengong bs disangka gila biar ga disangka gila...bawa kamera trus moto2 yah... :D

So semenjak saat itu, tiap kali ke spore selalu menyempatkan diri kesini :)

My Secret Garden at 6am on the week end...
well its not a secret anymore...
and the garden is only in my mind... 

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